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Simply the best drinking water for your family

Continuous Cleaning Technology

Put a Marigold under your sink for cleaner, fresher, tasteful water

Marigold under-the-sink water filter units are the first water filter units designed to be integrated into your water system. Marigold is optimized for under-sink, point-of-use water filtration and not an after thought, add-on like other conventional water systems available. This gives you cleaner, fresher water all the time and without the hassel of prematurely plugged filter elements.


Superior to traditional water filtration systems

Traditional reverse osmosis (RO) units are a popular filtration system today primarily because they have been marketed as the best choice. However this is simply not the best technology for home drinking water use. They are so slow that they require a storage tank in order to provide water on-demand. Like any standing water, water stored in a tepid tank begins to grow bacterial colonies and slime. Some expensive RO systems will add another filter downstream of the RO membrane to try and keep bacteria from reaching the faucet, but most units don't. This bacteria is never cleaned out of the tank. If you cut open any well used RO system, the inside of that tank will be black and slimy. This little-known and distasteful issue is part of the reason Marigold exists, to provide you a cleaner, fresher alternative to the inferior water filtrations systems on the market today.  


Ecologically Responsible

Many traditional water sytems are wasteful by design. RO systems waste up to 10 gallons of water and more, for every 1 gallon of drinking water produced. This wasted water goes through all of the pre-filters, using up their capacity, before being dumped down the drain at the final stage. Most people only realize this after installing an RO system and seeing the following monthly water bills.

Not only is wasted water a personal cost but it's also a strain on local resources and the planet as this wasted tap water is discarded or sent to local water treatment plants for unneccessary additional processing.

Nearly all water bottles are made from non bio-degradable plastics resulting in 40 billion water bottles dumped into landfills every year. This pollutant is costly to society and the individual who literally spends a thousand percent more on bottled water than on tap water.


A healthy family

The human body is primarily composed of water. By providing a clean water supply for you and your family, you are providing the necessary means of building a healthier mind, body and soul. What you want out of drinking water is clean, fresh, great tasting water. A Marigold system removes particle contaminants from the water and flushes them out of the system. It removes chlorine and all the other chemical contaminants claimed by other systems. And it does all of this while retaining the natural and beneficial minerals, flushing out stale water, and keeping the water cool and refreshing tasting. 


More than water

A Marigold system provides much more than clean water. When you consider the varied use of water within the home, the benefits are endless. Coffee, lemonade, baking and cooking are a few examples of daily comforts enhanced through the use of our proprietary clean water system. 


taste the difference 

Do you have a Marigold under your sink?
